Friday, May 8, 2015


"Well, I hid under an overturned spoon." Weldun answered.

"Wow." Danos remarked. "That is pretty small. Fin didn't find you?"

The governor shook his head. "He crashed up and down the mayor's house before the police showed up and he was forced to escape with his thugs. I felt horrible hiding while the mayor's property was destroyed." His shoulders slumped.

"Was he safe?"

"Yes. Fortunately, he didn't receive any physical harm to his person." Weldun sighed. "I can't say the same about his psyche, however. The poor man hasn't stepped out of his house since. I caught sight of him peeking through the window shades on ten different occasions all within a five minute span."

Danos neared the archway and noticed the narrow alley just before it. He slowed his pace and peered down alley. Dead leaves from several autumns had accumulated down the stretch of cramped brickwork. The walls of the buildings on either side couldn't have been more than four feet apart. Fading light sidled through small gaps between buildings.

"It's down there?" Danos asked, staring into the deepening shadows.

"That's right." Weldun said. "Straight down to the backside of the pub."

"Alright." Danos breathed. He straightened his shoulders and resisted smoothing the hair standing up on his neck. "Just a little ways in."

He slowly walked into the passage; his feet crinkled dry leaves flat. He glanced up at the few beams of light that managed to hit the eastern wall, visible in the floating dust.

"The pub is nearer to the end, actually." Weldun explained quietly.

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